How to Find the Area of a Rectangle


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    What is an Area?

    The region enclosed by a closed figure is called its area. We find area of only 2-D shapes like Triangle, Rectangle and Square, etc.

    What is a Rectangle?

    Rectangle: A rectangle is a four-sided polygon whose opposite sides are equal. A rectangle has 4 sides, 4 angles, 4 vertices.

    Each angle of a rectangle is of 90°.

    A rectangle is a 2D shape because it has only length and width. The opposite angles of a rectangle are always equal.

    What is the Area of a Rectangle

    It is the Region enclosed by the boundary of a Rectangle. In other words area of the rectangle is the space inside the rectangle. In above figure white portion inside the rectangle is the area of that rectangle.

    Units of Area

    For expressing area we use square units, for example, units of area are square cm, square m, etc.

    Formula for Calculating the Area of a Rectangle.

    Area of a Rectangle = length x breadth or Area of a Rectangle = length x width.

    In short, Area = l x b

    Note: Breadth is also known as width.

    Let us take some examples:

    Example 1: Find the area of a rectangle whose length is 15cm and breadth is 10cm.

    Sol. Length of a rectangle = 15cm,

    Breadth (Width) of a rectangle = 10cm.

    • Area of a Rectangle = length x breadth
    • = 15cm x 10cm
    • = 150cm²

    Example 2: Find the area of a Rectangular field whose length is 1m and breadth 50cm.

    Sol. Length of a rectangular field =1m =100cm,

    Breadth of a rectangular field = 50cm.

    • Area of a rectangular field = length x breadth
    • = 100cm x 50cm
    • = 5000cm²


    At last, we conclude that we find the area of 2D shapes only. We find area of rectangular shapes (like Notebook, Book, Blackboard, etc) by multiplying its length and width.

    Formula for finding the area of a rectangle is length x width.

    Units for measuring area is sq. cm, sq.m etc.

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